If I Dont Have the Answers Google Might Do!


Thursday 13 March 2008

Blogger Issue using Google Webmaster Tools to Setup a Sitemap

For those of you who are bloggers and use Blogger.com as your main blogging software and use Googles Webmaster Tools, may have realised that setting up a Sitemap for the use of the Googlebots that crawl your sites is difficult.

It is difficult because in order to submit a Sitemap, the sitemap must be at the root of the webpage


for me it would be


However it is impossible to do this when you do not have access to this root directory.

Fear not for I have found a blogger who has a solution to this problem. The solution is to use the Atom feeds that already exist with every blogger account.

See the solution to this problem here

Its amazing Google do not have any information on this considering they own Blogger and their Webmaster tools. If your reading this anyone from Google, I wonder if it could be sorted out as people who use Wordpress seem to be able to get their sites mapped better on the Google search engine than users of Blogger.


thebigandyt said...

excellent. who needs to learn xml anyway, the solution to the beta version is further doen the comments, they recomended using http://XXXXXXX.blogspot.com/rss.xml as url site

MY-NI said...

XML is fricking awesome. I learned so much today. Take it back!

thebigandyt said...

you need to have a better screen name andrewgmuphy dosn't cut the mustard.

thebigandyt said...

Now that i've got my sitemap, my Urls are restricted by robots. wouldn't bother me overly usually but the robots might get angry.

MY-NI said...

Added a link to this place on my blog.

Get some updates lad!