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Friday 11 April 2008

Fly Tying a Montana from the Terry Griffiths Book Again

My Fly Top, A Bought Montana Bottom

Hello Again,

The saga continues, only this time I have tried tying the Montana Fly from the book

I learned from some of the mistakes of the first time. For instance I learned how to actually put a hackle on, and how to tie a half hitch knot so this should have been a better experience.

In some ways it was but it was still difficult.

This fly was basically floss and the hackle feather tops were used as a tail.

One thing I would note about this book, the step by step instructions are actually pretty useful, and they each match up with a picture that shows you what the fly should look like. However what it doesnt tell you is how each thing should be tied on but most of the time you just have to make 2 or 3 turns with the main thread and your laughing.

Also when putting the hackle on, hackle pliers come in very very useful.

Any comments on my second attempt at fly tying are of course welcome!

After my semi-success with the montana I decided to revisit the Black Pennel. Again Hackle Pliers are very useful.